About Me

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London, United Kingdom
Student. Artist. Wookie..

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

''look at the state of it"

coming to the end of school, literally like a week away, thinking about the future. its a big prospect and its slightly worrying to think that i dont necessarily have a clear direction. banking on my foundation to do as it says, and allow me to find it. weird how recent events have left me feeling this way. looking for a job not necessarily to benefit myself, but to keep other people happy. wouldnt  mind working in Costa, they took three of my CV's. definitely could have done better this year, but

..and thats just the thing, i know it, but didnt want to do anything about it. my own state of mind confuses  

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

finishing everything

So everything is finally nearly over. I know for a fact I could have done better in my subjects, and im realistically hoping for B's, its not bad, but its what I deserve.. One plus side is, im almost guaranteed a place at college for a foundation and so now iv got enough time to sit down with my own ideas and start editing and drawing things to push this blog, and my own personal portfolio forward (if thats what you'd call it) 

beyond late